2021-2022 中一新生註冊程序 Admission for new S1 students

東涌天主教學校 2021-2022 中一新生註冊程序


2021年7月8日(星期四) : 早上 9:00至下午 12:30 及 下午 2:00至 4:00

2021年7月9日(星期五) : 早上 9:00至下午 12:30 及 下午 2:00至 4:00

  • 原校升中學生不需註冊


  1. 入學註冊證
  2. 香港出生證明書、香港身份證或載有本港永久居民身份和出生日期的證明文件
  3. 小六下學期成績表 (正本及影印本)


  1. 填寫「學生資料紀錄表」
  2. 取得註冊通告
  3. 領取暑期作業
  4. 購買夏季校服 (如需要)


7月10日中一迎新家長資訊日 (所有中一新生家長務必出席)

7月12日香港學科測驗前準備 (所有中一新生必須出席)

7月13日香港學科測驗 (所有中一新生必須出席)

TUNG CHUNG CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2021-2022 Admission for new S1 students

Registration Day and Time

8th July 2021 (Thur):9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

9th July 2021 (Fri):9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • Students who attended TCCS (Primary) are not required to attend

Documents Required for Registration

  1. Admission Slip
  2. HKID / HK Birth Certificate
  3. The latest School Report (P6 Academic Report Card) (Original and Copy)

The following items must be completed on the Registration Day

  1. Fill in a “Student Registration Form”
  2. Receive the school notice about S1 matters
  3. Collect summer holiday assignments
  4. Purchase summer school uniforms (if necessary)

Other Important Days

10th July 2021 The S.1 Orientation Day (All parents of S1 students are required to attend)

12th July 2021 Preparation Day of Pre-S1 Attainment Test (All S1 students must attend)

13th July 2021 Pre-S1 Attainment Test (All S1 students must attend)

Published at 16/06/2022